Downloading the RegularChains Library
Important notice about the RegularChains library
Since January 2016, the RegularChains Library has a companion library: the
PowerSeries library. Some commands of the RegularChains library call the
PowerSeries library and vice versa. Hence, maple must be able to find both
PowerSeries.mla and RegularChains.mla.
Since May 2017, the RegularChains Library has a new companion library: the
Polyhedra library. In October 2019, this library has been renamed Z_Polyhedra
due to its focus on the integer points of polyhedral sets.
Maple library archives for download
Source tree for download
Latest source tree, with examples, of the RegularChains and PowerSeries libraries (release number 2548).
Latest source tree, with examples, of the Z_Polyhedra library (release number 2548).
Latest source tree, with examples, of the PowerSeries library (release number 2548).
Installation guide
After downloading the files RegularChains.mla, PowerSeries.mla, Z_Polyhedra.mla save them
in a directory listed in the value of the predefined variable
If you choose to build the files RegularChains.mla, PowerSeries.mla, Z_Polyhedra.mla
from their source trees, follow the instructions in the README file at the
root of each source tree.
The documentation page
contains lots of new materials, in particular a
PDF version of the
RegularChains example worksheet.
Last modified: Mon Nov 4 00:26:11 EST 2013